Atlanta Air Duct Insulation
Are you considering spray foam insulation for your attic? You may not need it!
Instead of spraying 60 gallons of chemicals in your attic with a traditional foam encapsulation, consider this alternative that delivers similar results in comfort and indoor air quality for you. Without the risks associated with attic encapsulation!
To schedule an appointment for duct encapsulation in Atlanta, give Bird Family Insulation a call today at (404) 538-9168.
- We use a fraction of the chemicals compared to spraying the entire roof line.
- Our process seals and insulates your air ducts, permanently!
- There is virtually no lingering smell, nor the likelihood of the smell returning each summer.
- No 24 hour rule to be out-of-your-home.
- Can be done in 1 or 2 hours, compared to 1 or 2 days.
- No more questions or issues with shingles getting too hot, or your gas furnace not getting combustion air. With our method, your attic remains vented!
- Pearl Certified Upgrade
- Costs less than a full blown encapsulation.
Often, Bob gets a call like this: “My upstairs is unbearable. We can’t keep it cool in the summer…”
Our favorite go-to solution for many of our clients is our INSTANT Shade Tree. It always yields results for our clients that are greater than the sum of the parts. Here is our recipe for comfort:
- Seal & Insulate the air ducts with spray foam.
- Improve the attic insulation to R-50, using Cellulose insulation.
- Of course, if there are knee walls, or other HVAC issues, they are addressed too. But basically, the foundation of our solution is always cellulose insulation (R-50) & spraying the ducts with foam insulation. IT WORKS!
Why does this work? Because we are using a low-pressure, unheated system to spray your foam. And, because it’s closed-cell spray foam, it is stable.
What Exactly Is Going On Behind The Scenes In My Duct System?
The pipes that carry your conditioned air to and from the air handler are your ducts. This system of curves, elbows, straight-runs, boots, registers, tees and wyes is critical to the comfort of your home. Every splice and juncture is a likely candidate for leaking air.
Your central system (in theory) should be a closed-loop attachment to your living space. Imagine a hamster cage with an exercise tunnel going out from one side of the cage, making an adventuresome loop, and returning to another portion of the same cage.
Common Signs That You Have A Leak Include:
- A vent with little to no airflow
- An unexpected surge in your energy bill
- An increase in the level of moisture within your home, leading to a more humid environment
- A backdraft, which can be potentially dangerous to the health and safety of you, your family, and your property
- Visibly cracked, bent, detached or damaged ductwork
The air in certain areas of the home may become somewhat stagnant or stifling
- A decline in your overall air quality, which can result in an increase in allergies and certain physical ailments that mimic the symptoms of a cold.
- An abnormal accumulation of dust
Take the next step today! Call our office at (404) 538-9168 to schedule your Atlanta duct services.