Category: Indoor Air Quality

October 19, 2023

It’s early October, and Atlanta’s wet, winter conditions are right around the corner. What’s the best-performing insulation for your home’s floors to protect you from the approaching damp, cold temperatures about to hit Atlanta?…

July 7, 2022

Are Solar Panels Right For Me? Bob Bird Bird Family Insulation In 1976, as a senior in high school, I won a nation-wide competition for a white paper I wrote entitled “Ecology in America”….

December 31, 2020

A kneewall is a wall that is finished on one side (sheetrock & paint) that faces conditioned space, while the opposite side is un-finished and faces unconditioned space (attic, crawlspace, etc). If you have…

May 8, 2018

It’s early May, and dew points are rising. It won’t be long before each morning, everything outside will be covered with southern dew! You’re battling the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. I always tell our clients,…